Moksnes P-O, Eriander L, Infantes E, Holmer M
Estuaries and Coasts, 41(6): 1712–1731
Publication year: 2018


Along the Swedish northwest coast, over 60% of the eelgrass meadows have been lost since the 1980’s. Despite improved water quality no recovery has occurred, and restoration is presently considered to mitigate historical losses. However, the factors preventing natural recovery of eelgrass are not known, and it is not clear if conditions would allow restoration.

Here we present the results from 5 years of field studies with the aim of identifying the key processes affecting eelgrass growth and survival at historical eelgrass areas. Continuous light measurements and comparison with historic eelgrass distribution indicate that the maximum depth distribution has decreased locally with 1.5-2.3 m in areas that have lost large eelgrass beds in the last 10-30 years.

Field studies suggest that wind driven local resuspension of sediments that are no longer stabilized by eelgrass beds is the main cause behind the deteriorated light conditions. Field experiments show that a combination of low light condition and disturbance from drifting algal mats prevent eelgrass recovery in these areas, whereas the sulfide intrusion from the sediment and dislodgement of shoots by waves had little effect on growth and survival.

These results suggest that local regime shifts acting on a scale of 40-200 ha have occurred after the loss of eelgrass beds, where increased sediment resuspension and proliferation of drifting algal mats act as feedback mechanisms that prevent both natural recovery and restoration of eelgrass. The feedbacks appear to be interacting and self-generating, causing an accelerating loss of eelgrass that is presently spreading to neighboring areas.


  • Over 60% of eelgrass meadows along the Swedish northwest coast have been lost since the 1980s.
  • Improved water quality has not resulted in recovery, and restoration is being considered.
  • Field studies identified wind-driven sediment resuspension and drifting algal mats as the main causes of deteriorated light conditions, hindering eelgrass growth and survival.
  • Feedback mechanisms between sediment resuspension and algal proliferation prevent natural recovery and restoration, causing accelerating eelgrass loss on a scale of 40-200 ha.
Self-Amplifying Feedback Loops during Regime Shift in NW Sweden: Conceptual Model and Schematic Illustration

Conceptual model (a) and schematic illustration (b) of self-amplifying feedback loops during the regime shift observed in NW Sweden, from a stable vegetated eelgrass state with high light conditions, to the stable sediment state with low light conditions when perennial drift algae dominate. In (a), the green line shows the change in state variables of eelgrass (i.e., areal extent, biomass, shoot density) over time, and green arrows denote a positive feedback with a positive effect on eelgrass (i.e., sediment stabilization having a positive effect on light conditions). Small black arrows denote feedbacks with negative effects on eelgrass (sediment resuspension decreasing light conditions and drift algae shadowing and dislodging eelgrass). The black line shows the change in turbidity and algal cover over time. The red dotted line denotes the threshold in the eelgrass state variables where the feedbacks switch from self-generating positive to negative effect on light and eelgrass growth. The large black arrow indicates an external pulse disturbance (e.g., storm, filamentous algal bloom causing anoxia, dredging activities) decreasing the eelgrass state variables below the threshold and resulting in a regime shift from the eelgrass state to the sediment state with drift algae. In (b), the feedback loops are illustrated during the stable eelgrass state (i), the transient stage after the feedbacks have switch to self-generating negative effect on light and eelgrass growth (ii), and during the stable sediment state with drift algae (iii). Drifting algal mats moving at the bottom increase the resuspension of sediment through physical abrasion, and increased turbidity facilitates for drift algae to enter meadows by decreasing growth and density of eelgrass, resulting in a self-generating interaction between the two feedback mechanisms

Changes in eelgrass distribution 1981–2015. Map showing the distribution of eelgrass in the Marstrand area mapped in the early 1980s, 2000– 2004 (Baden et al. 2003; Nyqvist et al. 2009), and 2015 (this study). Colored areas denote areas where eelgrass covered ≥ 5% of the bottom 1981–2015. Areas with eelgrass from later inventories are placed on top of older ones. All areas mapped in 2015 overlap with earlier inventories, and a large majority of the areas mapped in 2000–2004 overlap with areas from 1980s. The enlarge sections with sites 4–5 and 7–8 include areas with the largest losses of eelgrass since 2004

Changes in eelgrass distribution 1981–2015. Map showing the distribution of eelgrass in the Marstrand area mapped in the early 1980s, 2000–2004 (Baden et al. 2003; Nyqvist et al. 2009), and 2015 (this study). Colored areas denote areas where eelgrass covered ≥ 5% of the bottom 1981–2015. Areas with eelgrass from later inventories are placed on top of older ones. All areas mapped in 2015 overlap with earlier inventories, and a large majority of the areas mapped in 2000–2004 overlap with areas from 1980s. The enlarge sections with sites 4–5 and 7–8 include areas with the largest losses of eelgrass since 2004

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